Privacy Policy

Personal Identification Data: We collect details that can directly
identify you, such as your name, address, phone number, email address,
username, password, payment information, order history, feedback, IP
address, location data, device name, type and configuration details, as
well as information about your use of our service like details on when you
download publications (including timestamps, interruptions, and
success/failure status), the URL you came from, and demographic data.

Passwords via SMS/Text:
 To enable payments through third-party
gateways or for other verification purposes, we collect data from SMS/text
messages received on your device (with your permission). This allows us to
issue and receive one-time passwords and other verification codes in order
to authorize/validate transactions. We also use this to automatically fill
in verification details during financial transactions through our service
or third-party providers, as permitted by law. The sole purpose is to
enable/verify transactions. We do not share or transfer SMS/text data to
any third parties except as outlined in this Privacy Policy.

Information Collection and Usage:

may collect two types of information from your interactions with our
Website: Personal Information and General Information. Personal
Information identifies you directly, while General Information does not
personally identify you.

Information refers to data such as your IP address, the duration of your
visits, browsing history, and other non-identifying details.

This General Information is collected for the following

service quality and account maintenance.

feedback or contacting you regarding our services.

offerings to align with your preferences and preventing unsolicited

transactions to facilitate dispute resolution, handling inquiries,
requests, complaints, and other customer support activities, as well as
general administrative and business operations.

products and services.

Complying with legal, governmental, or regulatory
requirements, or in connection with legal proceedings, crime prevention,
detection, or prosecution.

Effectively administering and fulfilling any contractual
obligations between us.

Both Personal Information and General Information,
collectively referred to as “Information,” are used for the purposes outlined

We will gather your personal data through various means,
such as physical forms, our call center, website (including cookies), emails,
promotional offers, surveys, and mailers. Providing this information is
optional for some channels, but may be required to participate in certain
offerings. We do not verify the authenticity or accuracy of any personal data
you provide.

Periodically, we may request that you update your contact
details and personal information via our website, call center, or other
approved channels. This allows us to keep you informed about our services,
changes, and enhancements. However, we are not liable if we fail to notify you
of such updates.

We collect your personal information through various
channels like physical forms, call centers, websites (including cookies),
emails, promotional offers, surveys, and mailers. Providing information is
optional for some channels, but may be required to participate in certain
offerings. We do not verify the authenticity or accuracy of the information you

Occasionally, we may ask you to update your contact details
and personal information on our website, participating websites, call center,
or through other approved channels. This helps us keep you informed about our
services, changes, and enhancements. However, we are not liable for failing to
notify you about any service, service change, or enhancement if you do not
update your information in a timely manner.

Access of Information

Aryma collects your personal information to provide you with
access to our website and services offered by participating websites. We
implement reasonable security measures to safeguard your personal information
against unauthorized access, use, alteration, disclosure, or destruction.

Information Storage & Sharing:

We will retain your personal information for as long as
necessary to provide you with services or as required by applicable laws,
whichever is longer. Non-personal information may be retained indefinitely.

We may share or disclose the collected information in the
following circumstances:

With our affiliated companies globally to prevent fraud,
identity theft, and other illegal activities, correlate accounts to prevent
service abuse, and facilitate joint or co-branded services offered through our

When required by law, such as complying with subpoenas or
similar legal processes.

When we believe in good faith that disclosure is necessary
to protect our rights and interests, ensure your safety or the safety of
others, investigate fraud, or respond to government requests.

With trusted service providers who work on our behalf, do
not independently use the disclosed information, and have agreed to adhere to
the rules outlined in this Privacy Policy.

If any of our affiliated entities or companies is involved
in a merger, acquisition, or sale of assets, the acquiring business entity will
receive and store the information in accordance with this Privacy Policy.

Ensuring Data Accuracy and Completeness

Maintaining accurate, current, and complete information
about you and your account is of utmost importance to us. We have implemented
strict procedures that our employees must follow to achieve this objective.
While some of these procedures are mandated by central, state, or RBI
regulations, we have also adopted additional measures to maintain accurate,
correct, and complete financial information. These include processes to update
information and remove outdated data. If you believe we have incorrect information
about you or your accounts, please notify us, and we will promptly correct any
erroneous information. Data verification involves the use of third-party data
processing services to standardize and clean the information you provide,
ensuring it is easily identifiable and accessible in our database.

Protecting Your Information

We recommend taking the following precautions to guard
against the unauthorized disclosure and use of your information:

Never provide information that can be used to access your
account over the phone unless you initiated the call and know with whom you are

Promptly update any changes in your address or contact
information through the proper channels.